Some Truths About Burnout

Some Truths About Burnout

In this blog I will be sharing some truths about burnout you might not be aware of.  First of all I want to ask you are you feeling poorly this week?  There seems to be a lot of coughs and colds about doesn't there? We say, 'there is something doing the rounds'. And...

New Year’s Resolutions are Made Up

New Year’s Resolutions are Made Up

New Year's Resolutions are made up! Yes! Every single bit of the concept of them is fiction. It all started about 4000 years ago with the Babylonians, who reportedly made promises to the gods (also made up) in hopes they'd earn good favour in the coming year (not the...

What’s Wrong With You is an Illusion

What’s Wrong With You is an Illusion

What if you saw that what's wrong with you is an illusion. Psychologically I mean! What if you saw that the feelings of calm, clarity and contentment were already inside you? What if you could finally stop trying to fix yourself because you knew you were never broken...

How to Feel Happier no Matter What

How to Feel Happier no Matter What

We are toning down Christmas this year. Less gifts.Less stuff.Less under the tree. I used to seek a lot to feel happier. A big houseA flash car.To be at the top of my career. I chased those things but when I got them I realised that the happiness was short lived. At...

Ways to Stop Caring What Others Think

Ways to Stop Caring What Others Think

Knowing you are a mince pie is one of the ways to stop caring what others think about you. Equally helpful is knowing you are a brussel sprout! Even knowing you are a Christmas pudding is just as helpful. It doesn't really matter but you are same as an item of...

How to Stop Getting Wound Up

How to Stop Getting Wound Up

Saving money on water heating can help you learn how to stop getting wound up! Bear with me - there's a helpful metaphor here! Recently Bruce and I became aware that our boiler was making our water too hot. This meant that we needed to add a lot of cold water to make...

It’s Okay to be Not Okay

It’s Okay to be Not Okay

Yesterday morning I had a wonderful realisation that it's okay to be not okay. You see, I slept in and saw that it's okay. I didn't post on here or do my live and it's okay. Yesterday I felt tired all day and it's okay. Yesterday I didn't tick off any things on my...