Dear Beautiful Insight Timer Friend

Thank you so much for all your support on Insight Timer. Whether you have listened to my tracks, learnt from my courses or turned up at a live and made a donation, I am utterly grateful for you and this journey of transformation you have chosen to embark on.

This page is the place to get to know me a little better and, if you are ready, to take the next step on your unique journey to BE, DO and FEEL your very best in every aspect of your life.

The next step I encourage you to make is to download “The Letter to the Inner Critic”. This is a letter I channelled a while ago. It is a reflection on the transformation of my relationship with the inner critic. This is the journey I have been on over the last few years and the journey I would love you to go on too.

Downloading this letter is the perfect next step on your journey to reveal you true potential, express your authentic essence and BE, DO and FEEL your very best in every aspect of your life. Take some time out for yourself and read the letter and see if it resonates.

Once you have downloaded the letter, I will be dropping into your inbox so we can get to know each other better and, who knows, we might meet soon.

Much love Clare x

PS – If you just want to send me an email my address is 

Beautiful words I received from someone just like you

“Thank you so much for our conversation yesterday, it really was lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was looking forward to speaking with you and was so grateful to experience the much needed stillness in my head, a space of quietness (which I haven’t experienced in goodness knows how long!). I was seeking an answer or a nudge about what direction in which to go and in this stillness, I felt a connection within myself of an inner knowing and sensing that what is needed. Thank you for listening and hearing my words on a deeper level to what I was trying to express. You gracefully signposted me back to myself, helping me to see what was there to see. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a conversation in this way, it was refreshing to say the very least. I came off the call and felt much lighter, clearer headed and less up in my head. Thank you” – CC

clare downham

Hello My Busy Insight Timer Friend, I am Clare Downham, Soulful Success Mentor and I was exactly where you are now …

There are 3 parts to my journey you might be familiar with:

Part 1 – Burnout

Having pushed myself hard for pretty much my whole life, I reached a point when I was so stressed out and anxious that I was struggling to cope. I was angry with my loved ones, not sleeping and struggling to cope with continual feelings of overwhelm. Then the volcano finally erupted and I walked out of work, utterly burnt out, and never went back.

Part 2 – The Self-Development Hamster Wheel

In the period after burnout, I decided that there was something wrong with me. I started on a path of self-development, reading endless books, doing daily rituals and poking around in the past to try to find the answer. I was spending about 10 hours per week on this quest but still didn’t feel okay. It was like being trapped on a self-development hamster wheel.

Part 3 – Calm, Clarity and Contentment

Totally by accident, I got the opportunity to be coached by someone who guided me to see some simple truths about how we work as humans. As a result of learning the understanding he shared known as the inside out understanding, I experienced a huge transformation. I found myself BEING, DOING and FEELING my very best  in every aspect of my life.

Where ever you are on this journey, I can help you! Please don’t delay in taking your next step.