Can the current economic climate provide us with the opportunity for creativity and fun?

Bear with me here!

I have massive compassion for everyone who is struggling right now.

Many of us are having to tighten our belts.

I too am awaiting a new fuel bill.

But there’s a misunderstanding out there about the best way to find the solutions we might need.

The common route seems to be to get upset, moan a lot and feel stressed then from that place try to come up with solutions.

I am currently listening to Reinvent Yourself by Steve Chandler where her calls this victim mentality.

You may have noticed that you are not at your best when you are in that state of mind.

That everything feels hard and the ideas just don’t flow.

As human beings, we just don’t work as well when our heads are full of noise.

It’s like the noise gets in the way of our clarity.

Well it’s not just like that, it really is that!!

Underneath our noisy thinking, we have everything we need – wisdom, clarity and creative solutions.

So Bruce and I have made this into a space for creativity and fun

– We have changed how we shop – big monthly shop and just fresh stuff weekly thus less temptation in the supermarket.
– We have changed how we plan and prepare food – had a big cooking session on Saturday afternoon you can see in the video.

– We have changed how we entertain ourselves – lovely 10 mile walk on Sunday (it was like summer returned for a bit – woop! woop!)

But we have not:
X Stressed
X Got upset
X Panicked

If you are experiencing any of those things right now, the first thing to know is that it is utterly human and normal.

We have been trained over many years to think that we have to be upset about something to make a change.

You are not the only one going through that right now.

But I hope this post provides hope.

Because if an ex- stress head, worrier like me can change how they see things then it is possible for everyone, including you, too!

And the bonus prize is that Bruce and I really enjoyed our weekend together. In a post I saw this morning from Bin Sparkes she said, ‘Surely, it’s all about joint experiences when you’ve been married for so long?!’ and I have to agree. We are not married but we do value out time together and it kind of doesn’t matter what we are actually doing.

Seems to me that finding a place of calm when we have something to tackle is a win-win!!

When do you come up with your best solutions?

If you are a busy, midlife founder, CEO or leader who is ready to go from feeling ... Stressed, Overwhelm & Stuck TO Calm, Clarity and Contentment then please accept my gift of 5 Simple Truths to Take You Closer Calm by clicking here.

You can watch me talk more about this topic on the video or catch up via my podcast below.

Inner Creativity

by Clare Downham - Queen of Calm | The Calmcast