Life without stress-management is possible once we know that, “Our feelings are letting us know how useful our thinking is”

I discussed this and other wonderful stuff with the lovely Siobhan Friel on her podcast, “Inner Peace and Other Cool Sh!t” which has just been published.

You can check out the episode here.

Siobhan and I had such a giggle filled but also deep conversation.

As Siobhan shares in the show notes, we also discuss:

– How constant pushing, striving and succeeding may lead to burnout
– How life is so very different when we realise how our human experience is created (from the inside out)
– Why the self-development hamster wheel isn’t helping us
– The astonishingly amazing role of our feelings as our ‘human dashboard’
…and lots of mind-melty wisdom

If you are feeling stressed and close to burn out (and oh my are you not alone right now) please take a listen.

But now back to my opening statement!

There is a huge misunderstanding about our feelings, what they mean and where they come from.

I have found it the most helpful thing ever to realise the simple truth above.

Your feelings are your human dashboard.

They let you know how about your state of mind right now.

Once you know this, you can:

– Stop all stress-management activities (tools and techniques)
– Stop poking around in the past to look for why you are stressed (therapy)
– Stop that inner dialogue about stress-management (which makes stress ramp up by the way)

So if you are already busy and have enough on your plate to sink a small ship (or maybe a large one) imagine removing stress-management from your list of things to do.

It was a relief for me and it can be for you too.

❓️How much time do you spend on stress-management❓️

If you are a busy, midlife founder, CEO or leader who is ready to go from feeling ... Stressed, Overwhelm & Stuck TO Calm, Clarity and Contentment then please accept my gift of 5 Simple Truths to Take You Closer Calm by clicking here.

You can watch me talk more about this topic on the video or catch up via my podcast below.

Life Without Stress-Management is Possible

by Clare Downham - Queen of Calm | The Calmcast