Introducing Mental Wellbeing Without the Work

Helping your team access calm, clarity and confidence without endless tools and techniques

Does it feel like you have you tried everything to support the mental wellbeing of your team?

Running a successful business can be hard. You want to grow and develop but you care about your people and feel responsible for their mental wellbeing.

I know because I have been there! As a primary school headteacher, I tried everything from stress management workshops, and laughter yoga to massage and an open-door policy (which was exhausting).

It felt like a never-ending project with very little impact. I ended up struggling to know what to do next and wanting the best for everyone.

But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Supporting the mental wellbeing of your team shouldn’t be this hard!


3 Steps to Take The Work Out Of Wellbeing

A fresh new approach…

You may have tried many ways to support your team’s mental wellbeing but here is something new:

No tools! No techniques! Nothing for your team to remember!
No more endless activities as you try to please everyone
Taking things off busy minds rather than putting more in
Everyone seeing themselves as whole, well and never broken
A simple concept that works 100% of the time
Access to calm, clarity and confidence no matter what happens

photo of clare downham queen of calm

My name is Clare Downham and here’s why I can help …

I was a Headteacher when, in March 2015, I walked out of work and never went back. A year after burning out, I resigned from my 20-year career in education and began my journey to try to feel calmer, trying endless tools, techniques and therapies.

For the last 5 years, I have been helping individuals and teams manage their mental wellbeing. Focusing on using tools and techniques like Hypnotherapy, NLP, Mindfulness and Traditional Coaching, my workshops like, ‘Stress to Success Habits’ gave participants a set of tools and techniques to help them increase wellbeing.

Over time, I became increasingly disillusioned with this way of helping people. It seemed that ‘managing our feelings’ was not the answer as it appeared to increase the things people needed to do. As I was having this realisation, I came upon the truth of how human experience is created which I now share with individuals and teams.

This understanding has transformed the way I help people both individually and in groups. My focus now is on delivering powerful sessions which help to reduce the amount people have on their minds rather than add more. Accessing Mental Wellbeing doesn’t have to be so much work!


Each of the above subjects can be explored face-to-face or on zoom. Everything from an hour-long introductory workshop to day long immersions is possible. Please book an exploratory call to find out more about costs and what will be appropriate for your business.

As well as the above subjects, content bespoke to your business can be designed. You may have an idea about what you require, or we can carry out a comprehensive survey to find out more about the needs of your team.

Group Coaching is a further way to support your team.  These coaching sessions allow your team to develop and deepen their understanding through further learning and the opportunity to be coached in a safe, connected space. We can discuss the inclusion of this during your exploration call.

The Origins of The Truth About … Wellbeing Workshops

Human beings have been on a mission to feel better for a long time. Perhaps this was a means of ensuring our survival because the things which help us survive like eating, having shelter and reproducing feel good. Eventually, people began studying why people feel the way they do and as a result, psychology was born. This study of human experience went into great depths but for many years it was missing principles or facts like other sciences. Physics has gravity, medicine has germ theory, but psychology spent years without facts like those in other sciences.

In 1973 a Scottish born welder named, Sydney Banks had a realisation which brought him to the conclusion that there are Three Principles or truths of human experience. These are the fact that we are alive, we are conscious, and we think. These three truths work together to create all human experience 100% of the time.

When we understand these truths on a deep level, we are able to have a better experience of life. Circumstances on the outside become less impactful on us and we find ourselves able to take life less seriously and have increased calm, clarity and confidence no matter what happens.