Once you know what causes perfectionism, it gets easier to smash through it. Imagine that!
How would that change your life?
How much more would you get done?
I would call myself a recovering perfectionist.
In a survey I carried out recently, I saw that I am not alone.
There are a lot of us about.
And it’s not really working out well for any of us is it?
Perfectionism leads to procrastination.
This means we end up stuck and not making the progress we want to in our business and life.
But have you ever wondered what causes perfectionism.
Let’s look at the low down on the things perfectionism is created from.
- An idea about what perfect would look like.
- An idea that something will go wrong if perfection is not achieved.
- An idea that the resulting creation will mean something about us.
- An idea of the judgement of others.
- An idea about what failure is and what it means.
A lot of ideas you may notice.
But do you know where your ideas (and everybody else’s) come from?
They come from our conditioning; what we learnt from people as we grew up.
Especially things which we learnt whilst trying to stay safe.
So if getting it ‘wrong’ and not making things perfect feels dangerous to you, that is completely understandable.
A long time ago, probably before you were 10, you learnt that there was danger in imperfection.
Nothing is going to happen to you if it is not perfect.
You are safe.
Everything which tells you that you are not safe is just the remnants of the things you learnt growing up.
And the bodily system you occupy is dropping you hints all the time.
If it feels off, you are in your old conditioning and not in the present moment!
Your feelings are a tool to help you navigate around it.
They are not telling you to STOP!
Once you see this, you start to do things you never thought possible.
You see a new invincible you emerging.
It is life changing.
If you want to change your life in the most painless and transformational way possible, then please book a call and I can show you how I can help.
If you are a busy, midlife founder, CEO or leader who is ready to go from feeling ... Stressed, Overwhelm & Stuck TO Calm, Clarity and Contentment then please accept my gift of 5 Simple Truths to Take You Closer Calm by clicking here.
You can watch me talk more about this topic on the video or catch up via my podcast below.
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