As the woman came on to the call she was already crying.

She tried to get the words out to describe what had happened.

She stuttered and struggled to tell me what had occurred.

But I quickly got the gist!

Something awful had happened – the details of which are not important.

When I heard her recount what had happened, my heart went out to her.

I asked her to stop talking for a moment.

To breathe.
To feel her feet on the floor.
To pause.

But as she spoke, I realised something else was at the root of her distress.

She had done so much work on herself.
She shouldn’t be reacting like this.
She should be able to handle this calmly.

Then I said the only thing she needed to hear right then.

“It’s okay for you to feel this way”…

… and before my eyes I saw her physically relax.

The tears subsided.
The shaking stopped.
She started to laugh!

How can it be so simple?

It’s because she had fallen into a place of acceptance.

She had stopped ‘shoulding’ herself.

In the moment she saw it was okay to feel, something fell away. Suddenly there was less to think about, less to do. Her mind could quieten.

Sometimes we just need to let go of one layer of our mixed up thinking to touch that space of calm.

It’s always available to us.

You are human and you are supposed to feel …

… even if you have been on a spiritual or self-development journey for ever!!

Once you see that, there is so much less to do, so much less to manage.

And your calm, clarity and contentment is always waiting to be revealed when you have less on your mind.

❓️Can You Accept Your Feelings❓️

If you are a busy, midlife founder, CEO or leader who is ready to go from feeling ... Stressed, Overwhelm & Stuck TO Calm, Clarity and Contentment then please accept my gift of 5 Simple Truths to Take You Closer Calm by clicking here.

You can watch me talk more about this topic on the video or catch up via my podcast below.

Accepting How You Feel

by Clare Downham - Queen of Calm | The Calmcast