How to know you are stressed is pretty vital you would think.
But would you know if you were stressed?
Recently I posted about how to feel less stressed. You can read that post here.
I talked about the fact that best way to feel less stressed is to understand it, not manage it.
But I really missed something vital which was raised by a very insightful comment reponse from a colleague, Vik Martin. She said, “I think the very first obstacle is realising that you are actually stressed – we are so good at hiding from ourselves sometimes.”
That gave me a BOOM moment!
I have not idea why I had missed it before.
After all, when I was on the road to burnout, I had no idea how stressed I had become.
I was suffering from many of the symptoms in the document I have shared and more.
The document is just a snapshot of the ways in which your body will start to react if you are stressed.
You can read more about those in this article from Mind.
Awareness is power here.
If I had known what I know now, I have no doubt that burnout could have been avoided.
But then that would have its negatives too as right now I would not be writing this blolg but contemplating today’s assembly!
Anyway, back to the point.
As I share just a few of the symptoms of stress with you, perhaps take a moment to notice how you are feeling today.
Physically – absolutely.
If you have a selection of the physical symptoms, please drop me a message today.
But more importantly, how is your thinking?
What speed is it?
What mood is it?
How much of it is there?
Because although having a handle how to know you are stressed on the physical level is important, this is almost a point too far down the line.
Building an awareness of how to know you are stressed by becoming aware of your thinking is much earlier on in the journey.
As humans we are very lucky.
We have a system which has been created to let us know about our state of mind.
Those so called negative emotions (stress) have been developed so we can become aware of our thoughts.
And with that awareness, there is a natural, self-righting system which comes into play.
A system which runs inside all of us – our psychological immune system.
As I often say, awareness is your super power.
And awareness of stressful thinking is one of the most powerful things we have.
❓️How do you know you are stressed❓️
If you are a busy, midlife founder, CEO or leader who is ready to go from feeling ... Stressed, Overwhelm & Stuck TO Calm, Clarity and Contentment then please accept my gift of 5 Simple Truths to Take You Closer Calm by clicking here.
You can watch me talk more about this topic on the video or catch up via my podcast below.
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