I used to be the Queen, putting things off.
Or maybe that should be the Princess of putting things off because as an ex primary school teacher I love a bit of alliteration.
I spent a lot of time trying to work out how to quit putting things off but to no avail.
I tried really, really hard.
I did lots of therapy trying to find the route cause.
I did affirmations.
I meditated.
But most of all I beat myself up about it a lot.
When I came across the inside out understanding, I stopped all this.
But here is the irony!
I’ve noticed something about myself recently.
That process of putting things off is beginning to fall away.
I noticed it particularly recently.
I’ve been developing a new programme.
It’s simply called The Complete Calm Approach.
This has come from doing a course with a lovely lady called Joelle Byrne. I highly recommend connecting with her by the way.
She recently gave me some feedback on the landing page for Calm Coaching.
Now, the priestess of putting things off probably would have held on to that feedback for quite some time.
I would have been waiting for the right feeling to come along to make the edits.
You see, my issue was that I used to think I had to feel a certain way to do things.
So I would wait and wait for that feeling to emerge.
Perhaps you have noticed that in yourself.
It looks like it’s the task which is creating the feeling but it is actually our thinking about the task.
Maybe it looks too big, or too scary.
Maybe we doubt our own ability to carry out the task.
Maybe we just don’t think we’ve got time.
I would love to know what you have noticed whilst you have been on your journey to work out how to quit putting things off.
But it turns out that we don’t have to feel a certain way to do anything.
You see, a feeling is telling us about our thinking and our thinking does not know what we are capable of E-V-E-R!
And something magical happens when you take action; that old habitual thinking you had about the thing just falls away.
When we see this, we can just make a start, take the first step like I did with my landing page.
All this post is meant to do is help to raise your awareness.
An awareness that might be helpful.
But how about a little challenge for today too.
What have you been putting off?
What are you procrastinating about?
How long have been trying to work out how to quit putting things off?
Just take the next little step and see what happens.
If you are a busy, midlife founder, CEO or leader who is ready to go from feeling ... Stressed, Overwhelm & Stuck TO Calm, Clarity and Contentment then please accept my gift of 5 Simple Truths to Take You Closer Calm by clicking here.
You can watch me talk more about this topic on the video or catch up via my podcast below.
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