You are not supposed to always be calm.
I explored how to stop trying to always be calm and a number of other wonderful topics with the lovely Becky Ogden on her Hot Seat Interview yesterday evening (which you can access here)
Thank you to Kirsten Back for sharing her hot seat interview and putting me on the trail to Becky.
Becky is a brilliant and curious interviewer so she asked me some great questions. I highly recommend watching our chat.
The title of the conversation was ‘Stop Seeking Calm and Feel It Anyway’.
It turns out that for many of my clients, the end of seeking is the real relief.
They have been trying to always be calm for years and they have tried lots to get there.
When I teach them about the 3 Principles or the Inside Out understanding they begin to let go of the need to always be calm.
It’s an acceptance of humanness.
Ironically the result is more calm because it is often the seeking of calm which makes our minds more busy and takes us away from what we are seeking.
Calm is inside you.
Calm is your essence.
It is not in any tool or technique outside of you.
Knowing that is helpful and makes accessing calm happen more easily.
But there is also one other fundamental truth which is helpful.
Your experience is created inside out 100% of the time.
So as well as calm being an inside job, so are all the other emotions.
Becky and I explored much of what I have shared in this post in much greater detail but you can also watch the video or listen to the audio in this blog to explore this more deeply.
If you are a busy, midlife founder, CEO or leader who is ready to go from feeling ... Stressed, Overwhelm & Stuck TO Calm, Clarity and Contentment then please accept my gift of 5 Simple Truths to Take You Closer Calm by clicking here.
You can watch me talk more about this topic on the video or catch up via my podcast below.
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