How Our Beliefs Create Our Reality

How Our Beliefs Create Our Reality

Midlife hangovers do not have to last several days but our beliefs really do create our reality with this and every other aspect of life. Realising this means that I could have a fab night out on Tuesday and feel perfectly fine on Wednesday morning. I was at a...

Control is the Master Addiction

Control is the Master Addiction

"Control is the master addiction" Hearing this yesterday morning gave me a huge insight! I heard it on the Rewilding Love podcast with Angus and Rohini Ross. It made me stop in my tracks. I had never seen it that way. Every human addiction is routed in the need to...

What is Really Creating Our Anxious Feelings?

What is Really Creating Our Anxious Feelings?

I woke up this morning feeling anxious. Already my thoughts were racing. Last night she had done it again. Yet more ridiculous, accusatory messages. More changes to a schedule which has been set for nearly a year. Her controlling things again! Her reducing the time my...

How to Manage a Low Mood

How to Manage a Low Mood

"I keep waking up in a low mood" said the man as he sat in front of me, "What's wrong with me?" He then proceeded to tell me about all the things he was doing to try to manage his low mood. He was avoiding certain situations.Trying tools and techniques.But most of all...

How to Stay Calm Despite Your Circumstances

How to Stay Calm Despite Your Circumstances

My ex-husband lives next door with 'the woman' who was pivotal in my marriage breakdown. REALLY!! That is the truth. As I am sat writing this post, their bedroom is about 2 metres away in the adjoining house. Many people I speak to wonder how I stay calm in this...

Imposter Syndrome at Work

Imposter Syndrome at Work

Imposter syndrome at work is really common. Perhaps you have noticed that yourself. We've all got that little voice in our heads. It says all sorts of things. You are doing it wrong.You are not doing enough.They are going to find out you're stupid! It stops us from...

How to Quit Putting Things Off

How to Quit Putting Things Off

I used to be the Queen, putting things off. Or maybe that should be the Princess of putting things off because as an ex primary school teacher I love a bit of alliteration. I spent a lot of time trying to work out how to quit putting things off but to no avail. I...

Is Knowledge Really Power?

Is Knowledge Really Power?

I am wondering today is knowledge really power. When Sir Francis Bacon said "knowledge itself is power", it is said that he wanted to transmit the idea that having and sharing knowledge is the cornerstone of reputation and influence, and therefore power; all...