How to Stop Trying to Always be Calm

How to Stop Trying to Always be Calm

You are not supposed to always be calm. I explored how to stop trying to always be calm and a number of other wonderful topics with the lovely Becky Ogden on her Hot Seat Interview yesterday evening (which you can access here) Thank you to Kirsten Back for sharing her...
How to Follow Your Joy

How to Follow Your Joy

Are you ready to follow your joy or is there something in the way? I noticed these flowers on a walk recently. Beautiful flowers blooming when they probably shouldn’t; following their joy! Not caring two hoots what anyone thinks about them blooming in November....
What to do When You Feel Angry

What to do When You Feel Angry

Do you ever wonder what to do when you feel angry? I used to think about this a lot. You see LinkedIn peeps, I was angry quite a bit of the time. I tried lots of tools and techniques.I tried poking around in the past to find the answer.I tried meditating and counting...
What Fears are Holding You Back?

What Fears are Holding You Back?

It’s really helpful to be aware of what fears are holding you back. Here’s a little story which might help. I have some fearful thinking about cows. Yes, I do mean the ones that people get milk from. The brown ones, the black and white ones and even the...