Psychological Stress

Psychological Stress

You have been told a lie about STRESS – we all have! STRESS DOES NOT COME FROM THE OUTSIDE WORLD! It’s a very convincing lie but a lie all the same. Not a deliberate lie, just an ongoing misunderstanding. When you read up about stress there are 4 causes...
Thinking Slow and Thinking Fast

Thinking Slow and Thinking Fast

The speed of your thinking can seem like a thing to manage. Often my clients talk about trying to slow down their thinking. I think once we have become aware of the difference in how we feel between thinking slow and thinking fast that can seem like a thing to do....
Understanding Separate Realities Creates Calm

Understanding Separate Realities Creates Calm

t’s Halloween and I don’t give a fig (or a pumpkin 🎃 for that matter)! I never have. I have never dressed up.I didn’t take my children trick or treating.I will not be answering the door tonight. I have all sorts of thinking about the impact...
Staying Calm Under Pressure

Staying Calm Under Pressure

When I received my renewal fee for my web hosting from Site Ground this week it took my breath away (but not in a good way). 😢 So I thought, who do I know who might be able to help me with this? One name popped into my head and goodness am I glad it did. Sam...
Fast Thinking Causes Stress

Fast Thinking Causes Stress

Awareness of the speed of your thinking is utterly powerful. That’s one of the things I love about this testimonial. I really felt like Clare listened. She is so relaxed and calm, it really felt like it rubbed off on me. Clare helped me to become aware of how I...
You Are Amazing

You Are Amazing

“Can you help me or am I a lost cause?” is a question I get asked all the time. It usually happens towards the end of the free hour of coaching I offer. I totally understand where it comes from. The people who book those hours have often tried a lot of...
Doing Life Your Way Creates Calm

Doing Life Your Way Creates Calm

Can walking be part of your self-employed working day? It turns out it can. I’m actually writing this whilst I’m walking. Well dictating it anyway. But even if I wasn’t dictating this post at the time of my walk, I would still see it as part of my...